原装正品 B6287T 封装SOT23-6 输入电压2V-24V 固定频率电流模式升压IC B6287A,B6287B,B6287C,B6287D,B6287E,B6287F,B6287G,B6287H,B6287I,B6287J,B6287K,B6287L,B6287M,B6287N,B6287O,B6287P,B6287Q,B6287R,B6287S,B6287T,B6287U,B6287V,B6287W,B6287X,B6287Y,B6287Z B6287T规格书,详情咨询,B6287T资料。 B6287T 是一款固定频率,电流模式升压变换器,高达1.2MHz的工作频率使得外围电感电容可以选择更小的规格。内置软启动功能减小了启动冲击电流。轻载时自动切换至PFM模式。包含了输入欠压锁定,电流限制以及过热保护功能。小尺寸的封装给PCB省下更多的空间。 - 集成0.8欧姆的高压功率MOSFET - 内部4A的开关电流限制 - 2V-24V的输入电压,VFB:0.6V - 1.2MHz 固定工作频率 - 输出电流2A - 内部补偿功能 - 输出电压高达28V - 轻负载条件下,能进行自动脉冲调制。 - 效率高达97% 应用: 电池供电设备/ 机顶盒/ LCD偏置电源/ 无线产品及DSL调制调解器/ PCI网卡或插槽供电 DC-DC / AC-DC 电压检测 降压 DC-DC 同步降压 ESD电压保护 B6287规格书,详情咨询,B6287资料。 GENERAL DEscriptION: The is a constant frequency, 6-pin SOT23 current mode step-up converter intended for small,low power applications. The switches at 1.2MHz and allows the use of tiny, low cost capacitors and inductors 2mm or less in height.Internal soft-start results in small inrush current and extends battery life. The features automatic shifting to pulse frequency modulation mode at light loads. The includes under-voltage lockout, currentlimiting, and thermal overload protection to prevent damage in the event of an output overload. The is available in a small 6-pin SOT-23 package. FEATURES: - Integrated 80mΩ Power MOSFET - 2V to 24V Input Voltage - 1.2MHz Fixed Switching Frequency - Internal 4A Switch Current Limit - Adjustable Output Voltage - Internal Compensation - Up to 28V Output Voltage - Automatic Pulse Frequency Modulation Mode at Light Loads - up to 97% Efficiency - Available in a 6-Pin SOT23-6 Package APPLICATIONS: - Battery-Powered Equipment - Set-Top Boxed - LCD Bais Supply - DSL and Cable Modems and Routers - Networking cards powered from PCI or PCI express slots